Monday, September 29, 2008

The tribe I'm doing is the Pueblo Tribe. It's called The Peublo because when the Spanish came to their land they decided to name pueblo which means "villiage" . The Pueblo Tribe are Native Americans who lived in the Southwestern part of the United States. Today Pueblo Indians live in New Mexico and Arizona. Today , next to where they live are the Rio Grande and the Colorado River.
Pueblo Indians or Pueblo Bonito are decendants from the Anaszi people. Pueblo Bonito Indians have been living in Utah , New Mexico , Arizona , Nevada , and Colorado for over 500 years and some are still there today. They became very skilled at farming.But there wasn't enough rain to grow crops,so instead they used underground water supplies. At that time corn was their major important crop. They grew many corns , pretty much 80 percent of their diet was corn. They also became very skillful at hunting with their tools.The Pueblo Indians used spears instead of arrows and bows to catch animals for food.

When Pueblo had war they would use everything they had. Puebloans would use spears , arrows and bows. They ( men ) would fight with spears , and used war clubs. They made weapons from animals , wood , animals and more. They didn't have to go to war much because they had peace agreements with everyone around them. Execpt the Spanish, because they controlled them.

Peublo's art was ( is ) beautiful , creative , colorful , etc. They are best known for thier basket making and pottery. Peubloans also made their own jewerly , knitted blankets , made clotheing , dreeses , ornaments and more. Mostly they used an antelope or deer bone ( bone awl ) for basket weaving.Each creation of art meant something special (important thing that happened in their life maybe ). Most of the potterys were used to carry food and water.

The houses were built of adobe or stone. The houses didn't have any windows or doors,they had to get out of the house by trapdoors through the roof. The trapdoors were also used for protection from enemy invaders. The rooms were square , the roof was thick and flat, they weren't that tall either.The language they spoke were Uto-Aztecan, Keresan, and Tanoan. Which was the languages most people spoke. The Puebloans also made prayer sticks which were decorated with beads , fur, etc. Since they were able to produce enough food for everyone , the Puebloans then started making their own clotheing from cloth and yucca which is todays New Mexico's state flower.

As you can see The Pueblo is a great and skillfulled tribe. They builted their homes out of adobe or stone. When their wasn't enough rain for crops, the Indians would use other resources for water. They used specific tools for farming hunting and when in war. Their art was really creative and special, every piece art they created meant something that had happened. Their language was very specific in many ways. I hope that you liked my page and if you want more information on The Pueblo Tribe check out Kaelin's or Kayla's webpage.